
Statistical Consulting and Machine Learning / Data Science / Artificial Intelligence


Evidentiary Christianity (on YouTube)

An Evidence-based Progression from Science to Faith

The Gradual Countdown: Quit Smoking the Easy Way!

The Real Junk Food Diet Book v2.0

VWUO-MD Data mining software

HSCT for Rubiana Malla (Hopeful MS Girl)

Google custom search



Welcome to EricSayre.com.
Eric C. Sayre, PhD is a statistician, data scientist, researcher, author and programmer currently living in Vancouver, BC. He began working / consulting professionally in the field of statistics in 1997,
and since then has completed two graduate degrees in statistics while remaining active in the research community. He completed his PhD in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at Simon Fraser University in 2009,
and in the past few years, has also become interested in the exciting field of
Machine Learning /
Data Science /
Artificial Intelligence.
Eric is experienced in a variety of programming languages, databases, statistical packages, ML/DS/AI environments, blockchain development environments, and other software, including:
SAS (expert), R, Python (including ML/DS/AI specific packages such as Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow and Keras), Solidity, React, Rust, Parscale, C++, Octave, Microsoft SQL, VB Script, Active Server Pages (ASP), HTML,
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Outlook), EndNote, to name but a few.
Finally, Eric is a well-published researcher, with over 350 publications since 1997.
These are a mixture of first-authorships and coauthorships on articles published in peer-reviewed medical journals, abstracts presented at scientific meetings, research reports, invited talks and his own two graduate theses.
Click the tab on the left for a complete list of publications and links to the full text of his theses.
(Click the tab on the left for more information, embedded videos, and a link to the Evidentiary Christianity channel on YouTube.)
Evidentiary Christianity (on YouTube)
in a series of monthly videos, presents the unmistakable evidence that led an atheistic scientist to knowledge
of an afterlife, i.e., persistence of consciousness after physical death, and ultimately to faith in God and Jesus Christ.
(Click the tabs on the left for more information, and links to purchase as Kindle eBooks or paperbacks.)
An Evidence-based Progression from Science to Faith
presents the unmistakable evidence that led the author (a highly accomplished scientist) from science and atheism to knowledge of an afterlife, and
ultimately to faith in God and Jesus Christ.
The Gradual Countdown: Quit Smoking the Easy Way!
is a highly structured, methodical, easy approach to quitting (baby steps), reducing the number and portions, and how you smoke.
The Real Junk Food Diet Book v2.0
is built on psychology, metabolism and our love of junk food. Mix entire Overeating Days into your diet days, and the pounds will drop off.
(Click the tab on the left for more information, an abstract, links to the complete PhD thesis and user's guide, and links to download the full free software.)
Variable-Weighted Ultrametric Optimization for Mixed-Type Data (VWUO-MD)
was developed in Eric's PhD research, and is a new method of unsupervised learning (hypothesis generation) designed specifically for mixed-type data (continuous, ordinal, nominal, binary
symmetric and binary asymmetric), along with data mining software to perform the analyses.
(Click the tab on the left for more information, scientific references, and a link to the full Hopeful MS Girl website.)
Crowdfunding - Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) for Rubiana Malla (Hopeful MS Girl)
is a crowdfunding website for Rubiana Malla (aka Hopeful MS Girl) to try to get her a scientifically proven, life-saving operation.
Try our Google custom search to find relevant content on EricSayre.com and the World Wide Web.
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