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  An Evidence-based Progression
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An Evidence-based Progression from Science to Faith

An Evidence-based Progression from Science to Faith presents the unmistakable evidence that led the author (a highly accomplished scientist) from science and atheism to knowledge of an afterlife, and ultimately to faith in God and Jesus Christ.

This book is dedicated to God, my church, and my editor (and dear mother) Christine. Thirty percent of all proceeds from this book will be split between my editor (and dear mother) and my church.

I am highly educated in the mathematical sciences, with degrees from Simon Fraser University in mathematics (BSc), biostatistics (MSc) and statistics (PhD), as well as post-graduate training in machine learning (ML) / data science (DS) / artificial intelligence (AI) through online offerings by Stanford University and the University of Michigan. I was raised across two broken homes by divorced, highly educated, atheist parents who lived 800 miles apart. Starting before kindergarten, I moved with my father up to northern British Columbia, only visiting my mother and sister a couple times a year in Vancouver – obviously this was very traumatic and affected my entire life. Today, the courts might have disallowed this, but back in the 70’s, men could do what they wanted post-divorce, especially lawyers like my father. In my mid-teens, I finally moved back in with my mother, and my sister moved up north in my place. As a young child, I did not think about God or the afterlife, taking it for granted on the word of both my very smart parents that there was no God, and no afterlife – that our self-aware consciousness was exclusively a byproduct of the human brain. Today, at a little over 50 years old, I have become certain of an afterlife, Heaven, and Hell. I’m currently attending a small, urban, evangelical Christian church near my home, twice weekly. How did I get here? It is hard to summarize in a sentence, but it involves paranormal, spiritual, and familial encounters, as well as old-fashioned research, all leading to an unmistakable conclusion for the scientific mind. It is the steps in this progression that I want to share in this short book, in the hope and prayer that it might help others who are struggling with faith, especially those who are too scientifically minded for their own good – like I was for so many years.

Frequently asked questions:

Q. Where to get the Kindle format?

A. Buy An Evidence-based Progression from Science to Faith on Amazon.ca as a Kindle eBook
(Only $7.77 USD; check Amazon for occasional discounts)

Q. Prefer paperback?

A. Buy An Evidence-based Progression from Science to Faith on Amazon.ca as a paperback book
(Only $17.77 USD; check Amazon for occasional discounts)

Q. Can I tip the author?

A. Yes! If you love this book and would like to tip/donate via cryptocurrency, it would be most welcome :). My wallet addresses are listed below.

The following Disclaimer applies to this book:

While all the stories in this book are true, some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of the people involved.

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