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Evidentiary Christianity (on YouTube)
In a series of monthly videos, this channel presents the unmistakable evidence that led an atheistic scientist to knowledge
of an afterlife, i.e., persistence of consciousness after physical death, and ultimately to faith in God and Jesus Christ.
Further, we explore Biblical topics that are confusing to atheists and new Christians alike, which can stand in the way
of spiritual growth, especially for those with hardened hearts like militant atheists.
We explore these topics from the newly born again as well as scientific atheist perspective.
If you are currently a scientifically minded atheist interested in salvation, please scroll to the bottom and watch the videos
from oldest to newest, since we begin from atheism, progress to knowledge of the afterlife, then the soul, then Christianity,
then Biblical topics. Open your mind, heart, and soul, and have a listen.
Latest videos:
(To Like or Subscribe, please click the Watch on YouTube link on the embedded video title screen.
To just watch the embedded video on this page, click the central play button.)
Navigating Blasphemy in Hollywood Movies
(Published Feb 28, 2025)
Hollywood movies are rife with verbal blasphemy, and many even blaspheme against the Holy Spirit;
we explore strategies for navigating Hollywood movies to minimize your involvement in and support of said blasphemy.
We explore this topic from the newly born again as well as scientific atheist perspective.
Open your mind, heart, and soul, and have a listen.
Near Death Experience (NDE) as Statistical Evidence for Christianity
(Published Jan 9, 2025)
Near death experiences (NDEs) provide statistical evidence for Christianity.
We explore this topic from the newly born again as well as scientific atheist perspective.
Open your mind, heart, and soul, and have a listen.
Powerful Psychological Tools to Defeat Sin
(Published Dec 5, 2024)
Easily defeat seven deadly sins (lust, gluttony, sloth, wrath, pride, greed, envy) using these powerful psychological tools.
We explore this topic from the newly born again as well as scientific atheist perspective.
Open your mind, heart, and soul, and have a listen.
AI Cannot be Self-Aware: Proof of the Human Soul
(Published Nov 26, 2024)
Proof by mathematical induction that AI can never be self-aware, and hence the existence of the human soul.
We explore this topic from the newly born again as well as scientific atheist perspective.
Open your mind, heart, and soul, and have a listen.
Proof of Resurrection? Shroud of Turin: The Evidence
(Published Nov 5, 2024)
The extraordinary evidence within the Shroud of Turin, supporting the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and therefore supporting Jesus as God.
We explore this topic from the newly born again as well as scientific atheist perspective.
Open your mind, heart, and soul, and have a listen.
Evidence for Persistence of Consciousness After Physical Death
(Published Oct 24, 2024)
The unmistakable evidence that led an atheistic scientist to knowledge of an afterlife, i.e., persistence of consciousness after physical death.
We explore this topic from the newly born again as well as scientific atheist perspective.
Open your mind, heart, and soul, and have a listen.
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